Let´s get together in CPH!
5 days I 5 themes I biggest trends and topics I great speakers I full inspiration
DOCUMENTARY CAMPUS meets CPH:DOX – in order to meet you! And to represent a unique 5-day-programme of extraordinary themes,
topics and upcoming trends across film, technology, science, arts and media industry. Thus, we would be more than happy to meet you there.
We proudly present INDUSTRY SESSIONS @ CPH:DOX from 20-24 March 2017:
20 March: Art, Technology & Change
21 March: Science & Film
22 March: Serialized
23 March: The Art of Impact
24 March: Art:Film
CPH:DOX festival center at Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
Register now at: http://cphdox.dk/en/attend/accreditation/
(Early Bird Deadlines: February 1st/15th)
Stay tuned and read more online at: www.documentary-campus.com/event/id__27/