The main goal of this festival is to firmly root scientific documentary film, essay and fiction in the public consciousness and to build a bridge between research, artistic creation and society.
The main goal of this festival is to firmly root scientific documentary film, essay and fiction in the public consciousness and to build a bridge between research, artistic creation and society.
Danske Filminstruktører
Linnésgade 25, 2.
1361 København K
T: +45 3333 0888
CVR-nr. 8442 3718
Danske Filminstruktører er en interesseorganisation, som forhandler kontrakter, rettigheder og vilkår for ca. 600 instruktører af spillefilm, tv-produktioner, dokumentarfilm, kort- og novellefilm, animation samt spil.
Optagelse i foreningen sker ved skriftlig ansøgning.