Tillykke til PSEUDO! Vindere af That’s Pitchin’ 2024.

That’s Pitchin’ er en pitchkonkurrence for animation rettet mod et voksent publikum, som under dette års Viborg Animation Festival dyrkede kortfilmsformatet.

Udvalgte filmskabere fik mulighed for at pitche deres idé for en professionel jury og chancen for at vinde hoved-præmien på 25.000 kroner – sponsoreret af Danske Filminstruktører.

I år vandt pitchen af projektet ”Pseudo” af Mathilde Digmann, Claudia Munksgaard-Palmqvist og Lana Tankosa Nikolic.

Juryen i konkurrencen bestod af – Michael Hegner, Marie Jørgensen og Stefan Frost – og udtalte efter konkurrencen:

First of all, we would like to thank all the contenders. All of your pitches were strong, convincing and professional. You all had something important to say. We could feel you in your project.

We have seen stylistic variations, from the extremely esthetic crafted, to the raw computer generated, AI supported images This made our job unbelievable difficult. In order to reach an anonymous decision, the jury decided to favor the craft higher than the technology. The craft and the potential. Since this year’s winner still need to get one thing right: The story! But the potential is there. In the team. In the artwork and most of all in the subject: How to navigate between dating apps, drugs and casual sex.

Congratulations to Pseudo!

Foto: Victoria Tyshchenko